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National Flight 93 Logo Flight 93 Memorial, Union City, California Flight 93 Flag
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Photo's of our last benefit event

9/11 Firemen

Since the Memorial's dedication we have been contacted by citizens who want to donate funds to the "Flight 93 Memorial Trust Fund." This trust fund is being used to maintain the Flight 93 Memorial in Union City, Ca.

At the Memorial's dedication the Flight 93 Memorial Foundation and its leader Michael L. Emerson presented Union City's Mayor with a check for $28,000 that went into the trust fund.

If you would also like to help by donating to the "Flight 93 Memorial Trust Fund," please send your check made out to the following:

Flight 93 Memorial Trust Fund

and mail to:

2715 Christopher Court
Hayward Hills, California 94541-3179

If you have any questions regarding donations you can contact the Union City Flight 93 Memorial Creator Michael L. Emerson via email


Now that we have completed our donation activities for the Union City Memorial, the Heroes' Families and the U.S. National Park Service (National Park Foundation) have formally asked us to work with them to solicit and collect donations for the NATIONAL FLIGHT 93 MEMORIAL in Shanksville, Pennsylvania.

- So PLEASE honor the Heroes of Flight 93 with your tax deductible donation -

Write your tax deductible check out to:

Flight 93 National Memorial

and mail your check to:

Flight 93 National Memorial
2715 Christopher Court
Hayward Hills, California 94541-3179

If you have any questions regarding donations you can contact the Union City Flight 93 Memorial Creator Michael L. Emerson via email


E. Lynn Stewart, Vice President, on behalf of Grizzly Adams® Family Entertainment of Spokane, Washington for the donation of 500 units of their incredible DVD movie "Portraits of Courage: The Untold Story of Flight 93". Website.

Supervisor Gail Steele of Hayward, California and Alameda County for her $5,000 donation.


Dave Donnelly the Bay Area Manager of Granite Construction located in the Santa Clara, California branch office for his $3,000.00 donation.

Doyle Heaton the President of Delco Builders & Developers, Inc. of Pleasant Hill, California for his $2,500.00 donation.

The Greenlee Family - Mary, Sean & Eric of Stockton, California for their $2,000.00 donation.

Gerald W. Bingham - Father of Flight 93 Hero Gerald "Mark" Bingham - of Wildwood, Florida for his $1,000.00 donation.

The San Francisco Giants, Major League Baseball, located in San Francisco, California for their $1,000.00 donation.

The Emerson Family - Michael, Nickolas & Tyler of Hayward Hills, California for their $1,000.00 donation.

The Bridewell Family - Chuck, Deanie, Lauren & Evan of Lodi, California for their $1,000.00 donation.

The Cheema Family - Singh Pritam, Kaur Sarabjit, Singh Navjot, Singh Livjot & Singh Akaljot of the Sikh Center of Union City, California for their $1,000.00 donation.

The American Legion, Post 649, Castro Valley, CA for their $1,000.00 donation.

John Vlay the President of Jensen Corp. Landscape Contractors of Cupertino, California for his $1,000.00 donation.

Makhan S. Bains the owner of Raja Sweets & Catering of Union City, California for his $1,000.00 donation. Website.

The Elks Lodge #2121 of Fremont, California for their $1,000.00 donation. Website.

The Elberton Granite Association of Elberton, Georgia for their $1,000.00 donation.

Honorable Mention:

The Oakland Athletics - Major League Baseball, located in Oakland, California for their $500.00 donation.

William H. Alley of Big Bear City, California for his $500.00 donation.

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Thank you to all of the fans who came to our booth and donated to the Flight 93 Memorial at the Oakland A's game on Sunday 17 Sept 2006.

The winner of the 50/50 raffle is:

Mrs. Shirley Villa Senor of Danville, CA

When informed of her win she and her husband graciously donated her winnings back to the Flight 93 Memorial. Thank you very much for your kindness.

We also want to again thank the Oakland A's for allowing us to inform people about the Flight 93 Memorial and collect donations at the game.

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Flight 93 Memorial, Union City, Ca
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